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Songs to play#

The strings#

E A D G B E (eat all day get big easy)
This is the standard tuning (from low to high)
By holding down a fret, you lower the note by a single semitone.
As such, you can test the tuning of a guitar by holding down the fifth fret (fourth from G to B)
If the notes sound similar, then it is well tuned!

A capo then just lowers all the notes by X semitones.

Alterative tunings#

Equal temperment is a nice alternative tuning, where the strings are equal distance apart.
For example:

Eb Ab Db Gb B E

But in this tuning, most open string chords can not be played, and some standard chords become a large stretch on the fingers.
The difference in distance of the strings is what largely gives guitar its distinct sound.