I've spent the past year on a passion project, asking: When it comes to understanding the brain, what are we trying to achieve? What have we learned? What challenges do we face? And what's our plan? As I pull it all together into a book, I want to champion these 11 references:
— Nicole C Rust, PhD (@NicoleCRust) June 24, 2022
Oh, there is actually a talk on today about replay during rule switching (
BIG NB, I was running out of memory in LaTeX. This fixed it, but I am not sure if I will need to run this everytime (
There is a very interesting paper around the link between the BOLD signal and metabolic decoupling. In other words, the brain takes in a bunch of glucose, but actually uses less oxygen than it possibly could. This leads to the belief that perhaps some axons work at another level of glucose/oxygen. This kind of thing is sometimes seen in muscles whereby they have not got the time to take in the oxygen quickly if they are being actively used. Talk was by Jordan Theriault.
I also saw a biorxiv paper that discusses again the idea of neural populations communicating between brain regions along neural subspaces. I have a feeling that this idea might be adjacant to the information representation/correlation idea, so I need to look into that.
Finally, Shane sent on an elife paper about the ability of a single spike to reproduce a circuit level response in the turtle cortex, will need to look into this.
Possibility to turn the connectivity paper into a combined literature review and paper. Shane mentioned.
Or go to frontiers in comp neuro (not very selective), PLOS similar.
Maybe Wellcome open research and then we get post publication peer review. Maybe respond to the old one with just a commment about the updated NeuroChaT.
- Maybe just waiting.
- Data in brief by Elsevier (possibility for Ham's data, or a backup for Beth's data).
- Data journals is the keyword
- Possibility for PLOS one
- MDPI is a possibility
- Possibility to choose a scientific data journal doc that is ephys related and use this is a template and then I can bring in this work into that and keep the original doc.