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Thursday, August 5, 2021#


  • Can't use habituation recordings for LFP in later group of animals, so will use big square instead. The CI are much smaller
  • Integrated fooof into the code to evaluate the power spectra in openfield. Fooof identifies peaks in power spectra, and removes non-periodic information by fitting gaussians around peaks. In this way, the result (suggested by relative power), that theta and delta are both present and seem maintained between groups can be confirmed even while using an absolute power spectrum.
  • Tested using all signals instead of just 2, to make sure visual inspection and z-scoring actually agree. It makes absolutely no discernable difference.
  • Making plan of final things to do to be finished.
  • Updated the paper a bit, starting to put in the papers to cite for methods.


I'm happy-ish with the state of my literature review. However, using a tool like this would likely allow me to add a bit more formality to the intro Eg. I could indicate how much research is on the topic of multi-region recordings and how it has grown.

Beths stuff#

Here are the things left to do (in order)
- Implement new speed theta.
- Spike shuffling for STA.
- Muscimol list of files and include analysis.
- Finish off the t-maze splits and analyse
- Theta in CA1.
- Data inspection on PSD for noise.
- Final(ish) runs of results and creating figures tables etc.
- Update the paper.
- Combine Matheus code with mine and think about how to share data.
- Done.