Wednesday, September 8, 2021#
Back to proper work after an unexpected semi-break.
- Get to grips on some new papers.
- Continue completing the methods and results in LFP paper.
- Consider how to share the data (check OSF).
- Consider how to share the code (check GitHub).
Rerun the peak frequency plots with FOOOF to have matching bars.
Rerun CA1 with z score normalised
Rerun t-maze after splitting into 3.
Should formalise some of the class designs used in SIMURAN in a document.
Make a release for all the Python libraries used in the code and specify the version all libraries we did not create.
I really need to try and build the new Windows version of NeuroChaT.
Try a quick version of decoding using just the coherence.
To put in thesis#
The idea that perhaps correlation between brain area is them doing the same thing! Or them doing nothing.
As such, high correlation is not what we should be looking for.
E.g. on the t-maze data, the animal is wrong when the coherence is higher.
Hours worked#