Tuesday, January 4, 2022#
Starting back up work today after a nice long break for the Christmas period.
Starting into work with pomodoro again, but likely won't do a fifty X split - I will let it be flexible.
Very very good process for submission over at https://joss.theoj.org/ (JOSS) by the looks.
Still need to check the IBL in more detail https://www.internationalbrainlab.com/resources.
Need to finish off the brainrender changes and update to their github version and push the changes. (request)
Also should start my 2021 in review post and update my website in general.
Also need to chat to Jen about going in Autumn to US and reapply for allen if it works out.
NB Shouldn't it be a capsule not a cylinder around the Npix probes?
Time for quick break - when back, where did I get 100 microns for Npixel probe influence??? Need to take better care to take down sources.
Ok I can't find anywhere about the 100micron Npixel probes - most I have is here https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1741-2552/ab03a1. Given the size of the influence they have looked at, it seems I am on the right track, but I just can't find the exact anywhere.
This in JNeuro chose distances to be within 80microns https://journals.physiology.org/doi/pdf/10.1152/jn.00210.2018.