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Thursday, March 3, 2022#

Note, new Semedo paper in nature about the nature of the pattern between feedforward and feedback information transfer.

Plan for today#

  1. Writing for the thesis while downloading some data
  2. Exploratory open data analysis
  3. Prepare presentation for progress meeting (just a few figures and the likes on the new bits.)
  4. Start drafting ideas for what the LFP section could be in my thesis. (and possible contrast with spikes) - could work for the story in fairness.


  1. Have a look on the linkedin platform for other people who have the kind of job that you wantor have been in a similar position to you - where did they go on to.
  2. Add examples of your work or photos and describe what you accomplished.
  3. When asked about salary - "can respond - I'm open, I'm looking for the best fit and overall package."
  4. Aim the about section towards the industry you want to get into. (emphasis on transferable skills?). You can leave out the about section if it is not going to be good (don't need to say I'm in academia or industry)
  5. Be descriptive about presentation etc. How many people was at conference, was it an international conference etc.
  6. The idea is to be able to speak to non-academic people and get across the message.
  7. Book into TCD CV service.


Possible ways of adding value:
Further weighing on a debated, and newly changed topic (TBH I think in 201X this was thought as solved. More correlation -> reduced information representation -> reduced task performance. But recent papers enabled by conjoint recordings would suggest it is certainly not that simple.)
Software designed to analyse from multiple sources. (TBH it is possible that if this works out really well, 3 or 4 papers could come from it. One paper on testing the hypothesis. One paper about new statistical methods. One short paper in a tutorial style for working with these data sources - these kind of papers can do surprisingly well. A final paper to describe the software tool developed in conjunction. In reality, some of these papers will likely be combined, so most likely only 2 papers, but more are possible.)

Important to check this out - Pan-neuro, which is about scalable computing in nscience.