Friday, April 22, 2022#
- Check contents of the drive I brought home.
- Run the Allen for a single recording through new_main.
These last two can be for later on.
3. Write down some thoughts about model-free, comp-neuro, etc.
4. Start thinking about a tutorial for neural data analysis. (Big notebook in SIMURAN for e.g.)
Need to check the citations of the 2P visual dataset.
Check this out I picked up the two books from here about refactoring and about design patterns.
NOTE This needs to come earlier.
Need to debug file - same as explore ephys - blocking me from downloading more data!
Maybe best is to check the manual download instructions.
Calcium imaging picks up more burst like events.
Really really useful to note:
Generate new insights from existing neurophysiology data through secondary analysis
October 3-5, 2022, Allen Institute, Seattle
Include some wirings in the thesis.
NWB has a youtube channel so I can check the vids that I missed