Thursday, April 28, 2022#
Today I was working with vim inside of VS code - it is quite nice to be honest!
I'm still getting used to it, but there is a cheat sheet here
Further, there are three packages used quite a bit - sneak vim, surrounding vim, and easymotion vim
Honestly, it is quite a nice way to move around in the editor - reminds me of when I used to work with Emacs fully in the terminal.
On top of this, I have begun the process of getting the SIMURAN refactor done.
It is starting to look good, and some dataclasses have helped a lot with this.
Note though that perhaps I should be using a prototype and not an ABC for the BaseLoader class - just as a heads up.
Then the paramloader could possibly be the base loader.
Anyway, it is looking to make sense now and I can work with it more tomorrow.