Friday, July, 2022#
Make some headway on the analysis coding and continue writing for thesis.
Consider how to address the reviews for my recent paper.
- Fixed the bursting problem with the units not matching up properly.
- Fixed spike LFP not picking up the correct spiking information.
- Head direction is not currently available for the .pos data in burst_analysis. Options for including this are to write a head direction calculator, or to pass over the already existing .txt files into OSF.
- Do I want the spatial/non-spatial classification too? Maybe. Maybe also good to relate that to the spatial map (so exclude HD).
- Still some leftover from yesterday.
- Have burst plot but it needs some work before going into the thesis (also remove HD for checking)
- Cannot read data from file results\processed\CSubRet1--CSubRet1_recording--small sq_habituation--16082017--16082017_CSubRet1_smallsq_1.nwb in mode 'r'. There are no values.
- Check this and plot_spike_lfp.log to resolve.
- Review the function and the output to do the stats for non-spatial and present the non-spatial in thesis (plus maybe a barnard).
- Fix compilation of latex doc
- The ATNx sub results are stored in the same directory as the data is currently.