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  • Quite excited about expansion microscopy, and the possibility of using it to study the brain.
  • Mouse brain has about 85 million neurons, and billions to trillions of synapses. We might sample about 0.001% of the neurons in the brain.
  • Rat brain has about 200 million neurons, billions to trillions of synapses.
  • Human brain has about 86 billion neurons, and trillions of synapses.
  • Don't forget about diffusion based imaging to explot the property that water molecules move along white-matter bundles faster than they do against them.
  • Mutual information is a measure of the statistical dependence or information shared between two random variables. It quantifies how much knowing the value of one variable reduces the uncertainty about the other. In other words, it measures how much information is gained about one variable by observing the other.

Small things#

  • There is perhaps a misinterpretaion of the data on page 95. I clima that the muscimol data shows that result, however, because muscimol reduces the amount of animal movement heavily due to the sedative effect of the GABA agonist, it is not clear that the result is due to the muscimol, or the lack of movement.


Information about the PSD while the rat is performing the spatial alternation task.


  • Look up the locatino of the mammillary bodies, ventral striatum, and medial and orbital prefrontal cortex, parahippomcal areas, entorhinal cortex, and hippocampus.
  • granular vs agranular cortex meaning (e.g. RSC, or insular cortex)
  • brush up again on LFP sources and sinks
  • Do I have data on beta spike field coherence?
  • In which space did I measure the difference between start and end points?
  • Delve into this result more Two circuits from GPFA, one which informs trials via minor changes OR remains quite constant, and another which is vastly different in catch or miss trials OR tangential to the task
  • Have good explanation for CCA, didn't do it so well in the thesis
  • Explain decision boundary meaning
  • In future directions, what do I mean by the geometry of the brain is impactful?
  • Look into the neural manifold again